



The Medical Professional Liability Association (MPL Association) is the world’s leading trade organization representing the MPL community. Association members are international and U.S.-based MPL indemnity and insurance companies, risk retention groups, captives, trusts, and other entities. 

The Association’s international members are based in seven countries and/or nations—Australia, Belgium, Canada, England, France, Scotland, and the Netherlands—and their operations cover parts of Europe, Scandinavia, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, and a variety of other British Commonwealth nations.

The MPL Association offers comprehensive resources for professional education and training, networking, compilation and dissemination of data, and risk mitigation strategies all designed to help international companies broaden their understanding of global medical indemnity and insurance issues.

Inside Medical Liability Articles

International Perspective

Treating Family, Friends, and Colleagues: Why and How to Say 'No'

Practicing physicians often question whether it is appropriate for them to treat family, friends, or colleagues. It can be challenging when people with whom you have a close personal relationship seek informal, out-of-hours medical advice or request prescriptions. Learn more in the latest International Perspective from Australian member MIGA.


International Perspective

Providing Quality End of Life Care

Physicians and patients alike find treatment decisions can become particularly difficult in end-of-life care. Ethical factors and clinical judgments can collide with beliefs, values, and hopes.

For more information about membership, contact Ginny McGuinness, Senior Director of Membership & Business Development, at