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MPL Liability Insurance Sector Report: 2023 Financial Results Analysis and 2024 Financial Outlook

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Hear analysis and commentary on 2023 industry results and learn what to watch for in the sector in 2024, including an analysis of the key industry financial drivers.

MPL Association’s National Advocacy Initiative in Full Swing

The MPL Association is shifting its focus toward state policy makers with a new program—the National Advocacy Initiative. This comes at an important time for the MPL community as the deteriorating policy environment in the states is resulting in increasing attacks on established reforms.

Inside Medical Liability

Second Quarter 2021



Data Sharing Project
DSP-Obstetric-Gynecological Surgery Claims

A review of claims and lawsuits closed between 2016 and 2018 identified 1,778 Obstetric/Gynecological surgery (Ob/Gyn) related cases. More than 30% of closed claims resulted in an average indemnity payment of $459,469. Procedure-related allegations were most prevalent (66%), followed by diagnostic (25%), administrative (4%), and medication/iv-fluids (2%).
Top Allegations


Diagnostic pelvic exams and pap smears were the most prevalent procedures naming obstetric and gynecological surgeons. The average cost to defend these claims was $60,140. More than 26% of the closed claims resulted in an average indemnity payment of $489,443.
Among the next most prevalent procedures named in these claims were manually assisted vaginal delivery without instrumentation and cesarean section. Claims involving vaginal delivery cost $69,729 to defend, and 38% of the closed claims resulted in a high average indemnity payment of $597,989. Defending c-section claims were considerably higher at an average cost of $98,556. Thirty-seven percent (37%) paid an average indemnity payment of $566,690.



Top medical conditions by total indemnity: