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Politics Are Key Factor in Policy Progress

As we approach the culmination of the biannual event known as “the most important election of our lifetime,” it is an opportune moment to assess what this election has in store with regard to the medical professional liability community.

Enhancing Team Performance Through Data Literacy

Members and partners are invited to join our February 26 webinar (2:00 p.m. ET): Enhancing Team Performance Through Data Literacy. Experts Mark Reynolds and Heater Riah will discuss how to enhance data literacy to maximize the ability to utilize and understand data.

MPL Association Announces Cooperative Agreement with APCIA

The MPL Association is pleased to announce a new cooperative agreement between the Association and the American Property Casualty Insurance Association to enhance both entities’ government relations efforts. Read more!

Inside Medical Liability



MPL Association Hosts Successful 2023 Annual Conference

The 2023 MPL Association Conference in New Orleans brought together hundreds of professionals who work in insurance and healthcare, all looking for key insights into the issues facing the medical professional liability (MPL) community.


Four hundred-plus attendees heard from more than 25 speakers representing the medical professional liability, healthcare, and insurance industries May 17-19 at the MPL Association Conference in New Orleans. The three days of programs, including the updated Leadership Forum and well-attended MPL Claims Defense Forum, offered a wide variety of educational presentations and peer-to-peer networking opportunities.

The conference featured a keynote talk on digital transformation, while other sessions featured the growth and impact of aberrant verdicts, AI and the insurance industry, and the evolution of enterprise risk management programs.


(Left:) John Mize, MPL Association Chair, kicked off the conference; (Center:) Speakers Holly Meidl, Ascension, Sandy Bledsoe, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Ryan Crawford, Constellation, and Claire Meehan, Kaiser Permanente; (Right:) David J. Luca, Coverys, Kopiha Nathan, HIROC, Mindi S. Giftos, Husch Blackwell, and Todd Watkins, MD, CMPA.


In addition, the MPL PAC hosted a discussion with a former member of Congress who provided his insights on the current and future political landscape.


(Left:) MPL PAC featured speaker former Congressman David McKinley (R-WV); (Right:) Mike Stinson, MPL Association, and David McKinley.

The Association recognized individuals who have contributed their time and talents to the medical professional liability insurance community. Dr. Paul Riordan-Eva, former Chair of the Board of Management of the Medical Defence Union, received the Award of Excellence in Honor of Peter Sweetland. Alan K. Breaud, Peter T. Dazzio, JD, Anne M. Oldenburg, JD, Gordon Slemko, LLB, and Jeffrey R. Street received the MPL Industry Defender Award.


Row 1
(Left:) Dr. Paul Riordan-Eva accepts the Award of Excellence in honor of Peter Sweetland;
(Right:) Alan K. Breaud,

Row 2
(Left:) Peter T. Dazzio,
(Right:) Anne M. Oldenburg,

Row 3
(Left:) Gordon Slemko,
(Right:) Jeffrey R. Street
accept the MPL Industry Defender Award from MPL Association President & CEO Brian Atchinson.





The Leadership Award for service on an Association Committee or Section was presented to: Frank Lavoie, Medical Mutual Insurance Company of Maine, for his service as chair of the CEO/COO Section; Ed Marley, Mutual Insurance Company of Arizona, for his service as chair of the Technology, Human Resources, and Finance Section, Tim Padovese, Ophthalmic Mutual Insurance Company, for his service as chair of the Regulatory Affairs Committee; and Michael Schoppmann, for his work as chair of the Conference Committee.


Row 1
(Left:) Frank Lavoie,
(Right:) Ed Marley,
Michael Schoppmann
accept the Leadership Award from Brian Atchinson.



The Association is grateful to our many sponsors and exhibitors. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with our attendees and being a very vibrant presence in the Exhibit Hall!





We look forward to the 2024 MPL Association Conference next year, May 8-10, in Washington, D.C.!