The NPDB categorizes non-physicians into 16 distinct groups. Overall, there were 17,657 claims closed with indemnity payment (CWIP), resulting in more than $4 billion in payouts—an average of $228,720 per claim. For simplicity, only the top seven groups by CWIP count are highlighted, while those with fewer than 300 claims between 2018 and 2023 were moved to NPDB’s “other” category. Of note, no specialty reported a total between 300 and 850 claims—with 855 being the lowest count among the top seven. The “other” category now includes dental hygienists and assistants, nurses (practical and para-professional), optometrists, pharmacists, psychologists, social workers, technicians/assistants, as well as the original other group.
More than 90% of all CWIPs fell within the top seven specialties. Interestingly, several specialties that were moved to the “other” category recorded the highest growth in CWIP counts, specifically para-professional nurses (up 133%), psychologists (up 110%), and social workers (up 60%). Among the top seven groups, only advanced practice nurses (up 36%) and physician assistants (up 25%) experienced increases, while registered nurses saw a 24% decline, and both dentists and podiatrists fell by 15%.